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"Call the Nice Guys at Price Wise!" Top notch plumbers with rates that won't break the bank. Serving Texoma and North DFW. 972-439-4303 or visit http://www.pricewiseplumbing.com/

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Plumbing DIY

Do It Yourself:

Use salt, baking soda and vinegar to clean out plumbing and sewer drains. Water use can leave calcium, lime, mineral and rust deposits inside of drains and plumbing pipes. Hair, food and other debris also clog pipes and drains. Use vinegar to remove lime, calcium and rust and to disinfect the drain. Salt and baking soda scrub the insides of the drains and pipes. Baking soda also helps with bad odors. These three materials are safe on plumbing and for pets and children.

972-439-4303 or 903-884-0640

Plumber Mckinney, Texas

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