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"Call the Nice Guys at Price Wise!" Top notch plumbers with rates that won't break the bank. Serving Texoma and North DFW. 972-439-4303 or visit http://www.pricewiseplumbing.com/

Friday, March 30, 2012

Drip drip drop little April Showers...

April is the month that things start warming up and that jolt of warmth could cause some issues when it comes to your water heater.  If your water heater is located in an attic this could cause MAJOR chaos.  If a water heater fails in the attic... you will have rain drops falling on your head... in your house.

The temperature change of the water coming into the water heater, (whether colder or hotter), can cause your water heater to malfunction, especially if the unit is more than 10 years old.  It is always a good idea to have a service tech check your water heater annually.  Water heater flushes are a great idea annually also. 

Give us a call:  972-439-4303 or 903-884-0640
Price Wise Plumbing, Co.

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